A collection of works I did outside this blog!

Python trainings

  • I have organized and created material for a Python beginner-friendly course. All the material can be found in this Gitlab repo. The slides are available here.
  • I have co-organized and taught a Git and Python for bioimage analysis course. The material is availble at this Gitlab repo.

Miscellaneous presentations

  • A seminar on digital project files and folders control and organization using tools such as Quarto, Pandoc, LaTeX and Jupyter. Re-watch the presentation here. All the examples on which the talk is based on at available here. Slides can be found here
  • A seminar on Deep Learning fundamentals and applications for bioimage analysis. Slides can be found here
  • A small talk about the importance of bioimage analysis in quantitative biology. Slides can be found here

Miscellaneous articles

  • I wrote a primer on image file formats and naming conventions here
  • Ho scritto una serie di articoli divulgativi, incentrati sui concetti basi di biologia cellulare per spiegare meglio e fare chiarezza su com’è fatta una cellula, quali sono i suoi funzionamenti e come questa possa diventare un tumore. Li puoi trovare qui!

Reproducibility and Version Control materials


In collaboration with Valeria, we are creating teaching material on the theme of reproducibility, especially in science and academic.

  • We originally taught a lecture on fundamentals of Git for version control as part of a university course, but we want the material to continue to be freely available. You can find the slides here.
  • I later made a written tutorial on fundamentals of version control to make it easier for a person to follow the material independently. You can find it here.
  • For a talk in the UNAL university in Colombia, we created a presentation (in Spanish) for a broader audience on the issue of reproducibility and how to address it. You can find the slides of the talk here.

Scientific contributions

  • We published a collaboration paper on imaging-based cell migration assays on the Biochemical Pharmacology Journal
  • You can find a good summary of several analysis projects I worked on as an bioimage analyst in my professional portfolio
  • I have written a personal technical guide to quantitative Förster Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET) imaging during my PhD, as a reminder and a guide for myself. It can still have some value for some other fluorescence imaging audience. You can find it here
  • My PhD first author publication on improved spectrally-tunable biosensors was published here
  • I published another paper during my PhD in collaboration with another group, you can find it here

“We live therefore we learn” podcast

Check out our podcast, where me and Valeria talk about our surprising experiences, deep thoughts and hidden learnings! You can find all the episodes here!